1. Can you please contact them and ask them to provide you with the "translation file so you can start to work with Polylang & WPML" , they most likely have created a wpml-config.xml file but i was not able to find it within your theme's root folder. 2.
We communicated about this from a month before release of 14.0, but unfortunately, Polylang isn't finished with their fix yet. So, you can't update to 14.0 yet, because Polylang isn't ready yet. We didn't know Polylang was using the wpml-config.xml file, had we known we might have reached out to them earlier, as we did do to WPML.
I think, they are not copied by default because they are not in the wpml-config. Custom fields can be added to the whitelist thanks to wpml-config.xml file. 7 Nov 2017 Polylang uses WPML's wpml-config.xml file to control this stuff (so if the theme is compatible with WPML, it is in most cases compatible with
Support wildcards in "admin-texts" parent keys in wpml-config.xml. * Fix sticky posts showed for all languages when the admin language filter is active #469. Hi. I 've got a repeater field that I want to copy the translation across languages using wpml-config.xml and polylang pro.
And as we discussed, whilst not obligatory, using a custom language switcher will give you more control over the structure and class naming. WordPress multilingual plugin. Contribute to polylang/polylang development by creating an account on GitHub. Se hela listan på polylang.pro
In some cases an option may seem to have no effect. It is indeed possible for plugins and themes to force a choice programmatically (or by using a wpml-config.xml file for the custom fields). 1.Taxonomies. In that case, edit the wpml-config.xml file provided by your parent theme, and change the line: Cart Validation to avoid product duplication: Yes, with small code
I get PHP errors. Till today, polylang and virtue were running fine. WordPress multilingual plugin. Contribute to polylang/polylang development by creating an account on GitHub. We communicated about this from a month before release of 14.0, but unfortunately, Polylang isn't finished with their fix yet. So, you can't update to 14.0 yet, because Polylang isn't ready yet. We didn't know Polylang was using the wpml-config.xml file, had we known we might have reached out to them earlier, as we did do to WPML. Polylang does support the WPML language configuration file wpml-config.xml to avoid double work for themes and plugins author. Introduction. The wpml-config.xml file is a powerful tool which allows to add WordPress themes and plugins options to the string translations. This tutorial explains how to find the information to add in this file to translate option strings easily. Polylang does not support the Hi everyone, today I had a fatal error on my site, after updating my theme…
Food and Drink Menu wpml-config.xml file for Polylang compatibility (fixes issues with menu sections) - wpml-config.xml
You have an error in the file wpml-config.xml included in your theme: /home/platne/serwer83279/public_html/pm/dermamedica/wp-content/themes/dermamedica/wpml-config.xml The theme author has to fix it. The wpml-config.xml file. March 2, 2016. Wait until Polylang fixes this, don't expect a fix from us, we've done all we can. 👍
As Polylang is a rather new plugin, much newer then WPML (which I usually don’t use), it support the WPML language configuration file wpml-config.xml, so if your theme says, that it’s WPML ready and has this file, you can probably skip some of the steps I’ve shown you in this blog post, or even all of them. The file wpml-config.xml must be placed in the root directory of the plugin or theme.
It seems like polylang only supports translations for public custom post types. Since we often use custom post types that are not public available but referenced within another post or page, polylang translations are not available for th
I've create some custom posts on my customized theme in wordpress, in which the polylang plugin is activated. The translation works well, but the problem is that I need that specified contents rem
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6 May 2018 setting its custom taxonomy category_attachment as translatable by means of configuration file wpml-config.xml . Therefore changing the line